Jun19The best personal trainers share these common characteristics
A passion for fitness and helping others-It is very hard to be good and committed to anything you yourself don’t love.
Knowledge and know-how-This does not have to mean a degree in the field but it should at least mean a certification. It should also mean always keeping up with the latest trends and information.
Strong communication skills– It doesn’t matter if a coach is walking clients through a new exercise or talking over the phone, excellent communication skills are essential. A great coach needs to be able to articulate instructions and information and should also have the ability to motivate and inspire clients.
Positive attitude-Clients are not going to be extremely motivated during every workout or have always have a positive attitude about health and fitness. A coach needs to have a positive attitude that they can share with their clients when they fall into a rut and help them with their overall outlook with their fitness.
They care-they honestly and genuinely care about their clients and their well being
Practice what they preach– This isn’t to say that your coach needs to look like a professional bodybuilder or fitness model, but you do want someone who cares about the way they look and feel. Would you go to a financial adviser who was broke?
Empathy & compassion-Being able to see things from your clients’ perspectives and gain an understanding of their background and how it affects their outlook is big.