Easy High Protein Snacks for a Busy Lifestyle | H4 Training

Aug01Easy High Protein Snacks for a Busy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging, especially with a busy lifestyle. High-protein snacks are a great way to keep your energy up and your hunger at bay between meals. Here are some delicious and convenient options that you can grab on the go.

1. Greek Yogurt with Granola

Greek yogurt is a powerhouse when it comes to protein. A typical 6-ounce serving contains about 15 grams of protein and around 100-150 calories, depending on the brand and fat content. To make it more interesting and satisfying, add a handful of granola. This not only adds a crunch but also provides fiber. You can easily prep this snack in a small container to take with you.

2. Cottage Cheese with Berries

Cottage cheese is another excellent high-protein snack. A half-cup serving typically provides 12-14 grams of protein and about 90-120 calories. Pair it with some fresh berries like blueberries or strawberries for a sweet touch and an antioxidant boost. Scoop some cottage cheese into a portable container and top it with your favorite berries.

3. Pumpkin Seeds

These little seeds pack a big punch. A 1-ounce serving of pumpkin seeds contains about 7 grams of protein and 150 calories. They are also rich in magnesium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. You can enjoy them plain, roasted, or spiced up with your favorite seasonings. Pumpkin seeds are perfect for keeping in your bag for an emergency snack.

4. Boiled Eggs

Simple, classic, and incredibly nutritious. One large boiled egg has about 6 grams of protein and only 70 calories. Boil a batch at the beginning of the week and keep them in the fridge for a quick grab-and-go option. You can enjoy them plain or with a dash of salt and pepper.

5. Homemade Tuna Salad

Tuna is a fantastic source of protein, and one 3-ounce can provide about 20 grams of protein and roughly 100 calories. To make a quick tuna salad, mix the tuna with some Greek yogurt or mayonnaise, add some diced celery and onions for crunch, and season with salt and pepper. Store it in a small container and enjoy it with whole-grain crackers or veggie sticks.

6. Edamame

Edamame, or young soybeans, are not only high in protein but also packed with fiber and essential nutrients. A half-cup serving provides around 8 grams of protein and 100 calories. You can buy them pre-cooked and shelled for convenience. Just toss them with a little sea salt, and you have a tasty, nutritious snack.

7. Protein Bars

For a convenient option that requires no preparation, protein bars are a go-to snack. They come in various flavors and can offer anywhere from 10 to 20 grams of protein per bar, with calorie counts typically ranging from 150 to 250. Just be mindful of the ingredients and choose bars with less sugar and more natural ingredients. We like RX Bars, as they are minimal in ingredients and have a decent amount of protein, usually ranging between 12-14 grams.

Having these high-protein snacks on hand can help you stay full, energized, and ready to tackle your day. Whether you’re at work, at the gym, or on the go, these options provide a healthy and delicious way to keep your protein intake up.